
Abandoned Vehicles Removal

Local authorities may request the registered owner of an abandoned vehicle parked in a public place to remove it.

Bulky Goods Removal

Local authorities may collect bulky goods such as large electrical items or furniture from households for disposal.

Farm Plastic Regulations Enforcement

Local authorities regulate the sale and use of plastic film on farms to ensure it is collected and disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.

Hazardous Waste Notification

You must notify the National TransFrontier Shipments Office in Dublin City Council if you want to import, export or transport hazardous waste.

Historic Landfills Management

Local authorities manage closed local authority landfill sites in line with Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.


Local authorities may provide landfills where you can dispose of waste that cannot be recycled or composted.

Sewage Sludge Facilities Certificate

Operators of sewage sludge facilities, must register with the local authority for a certificate of registration to meet waste management requirements.

TransFrontier Shipment of Waste Notification

You must notify the National TransFrontier Shipments Office in Dublin City Council if you want to export, import or transit shipments of waste within, into or out of the European Union.

Waste Collection Permit

The National Waste Collection Office in Offaly County Council issues waste collection permits to approved collectors or transporters of waste.

Waste Disposal Bags

You can apply to the local authority for an exemption to use waste disposal bags in designated areas to dispose of household waste.

Waste Facilities Register

The National Waste Collection Permit Office in Offaly County Council maintains a public register of all waste facility permits and certificates granted, reviewed, revoked and expired across all local authorities.

Waste Facility Permit

You must apply to the local authority for a waste facility permit or a certificate of registration if you want to operate a waste facility.

Access to Information on Environment Request

You can send a request to the local authority for access to environmental information such as air, noise and water quality reports, and policies and plans on environmental protection measures.

Air Emissions Enforcement

Local authorities regulate air emissions from industrial plants such as bitumen plants and small thermal plants to ensure the emissions are safe and comply with regulations.

Air Emissions Licence

Industrial plants that release emissions into the atmosphere such as bitumen plants and small scale thermal plants must apply to the local authority for a licence.

Decorative Paints Certificate

Businesses who carry out spray painting and vehicle refinishing must apply to the local authority for a decorative paints certificate.

Decorative Paints Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of businesses which carry out spray painting and vehicle refinishing on their premises.

Organic Solvents Vapour Emissions Certificate

Businesses who use solvents in their work such as dry cleaning, printing, surface coating and pharmaceutical must apply to the local authority for an organic solvents vapour emissions certificate.

Solid Fuel Regulations Enforcement

Local authorities regulate the storage, distribution, sale and supply of low smoke coal and regulate the use of smoky coal and may designate areas as low smoke zones.

Noise Action Plan Consultation

Local authorities prepare plans to address environmental noise. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Caravan Park Licence

Caravan park and campsite operators must apply to the local authority for a licence.

Discharge to Waters Licence

Businesses must apply to the local authority for a licence to discharge liquids or sewage to rivers, lakes or the sea.

Landspreading Control

Local authorities regulate land spreading activities on farms to protect water quality.

Nutrient Management Plan Assessment

Local authorities may assess nutrient management plans to ensure the spreading of organic sludges and fertilizers does not cause environmental damage.

Septic Tank Grant

Local authorities may provide financial support to homeowners to upgrade or replace septic tanks or domestic waste water treatment systems.

Beach Activity Permit

You must apply to the local authority for a permit if you engage in leisure and sporting activities on public beaches.


Local authorities may provide lifeguards to beaches and outdoor swimming areas during the summer season.

Merchant Shipwrecks Management

Local authorities, together with other relevant agencies, may manage the lighting, buoying, raising, removal and selling of merchant shipwrecks so that they are not a safety threat to navigation, lifeboats or other vessels on coasts, harbours or beaches.

Ringbuoy Maintenance

Local authorities may provide and maintain ringbuoys along riverbanks, and on bridges, piers and beaches to promote water safety.

Water Safety Initiatives

Local authorities, together with Irish Water Safety, may run lifesaver training courses, beach lifeguard academies, and safe swimming and boating campaigns to promote water safety on public beaches, lakes and waterways.

Community Clean-Up Supplies

Local authorities may provide clean up equipment and supplies such as litter pickers, gloves and bags to communities to clean up their local area.

Dog Fouling Control

Local authorities monitor dog fouling in public areas and may take action against owners.

Graffiti Removal

Local authorities may remove graffiti from public buildings, bridges, playground equipment and street furniture. They may also remove offensive graffiti from private property.

Gum Removal

Local authorities may remove discarded chewing gum from public streets and footpaths.

Litter Bins

Local authorities may provide litter bins in public areas.

National Spring Clean Support

Local authorities may provide information and support about the National Spring Clean initiative to community and voluntary groups.

Tidy Towns Support

Local authorities may support Tidy Towns groups through networking meetings, seminars, funding and environmental initiatives.

Bring Centres

Local authorities may provide bring centres where you can recycle small household items such as glass, plastic, food and beverage cans and textiles.

Christmas Tree Recycling

Local authorities may provide drop off points for natural Christmas trees at civic amenity or other sites.

Civic Amenity Sites

Local authorities may provide civic amenity sites where the public can recycle and dispose of household waste.

Burials Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of all burials in local authority burial grounds.


Local authorities may provide crematoria as an alternative to burials.

Exhumation Licence

You must apply to the local authority for an exhumation licence to exhume the remains of a deceased person.

Grave Opening and Closing

Local authorities may provide grave opening and closing services in local authority owned burial grounds.

Grave Owners Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of grave owners in local authority burial grounds.

Gravedigger Registration

Local authorities may require gravediggers in local authority owned burial grounds to register with them.

Gravespace Payment

You can buy a grave space in a local authority burial ground at the time of a person's passing.

Circular Economy

Local authorities are helping the transition away from waste management towards a more a circular economy, providing awareness initiatives to all their communities.

Clothes Swap

Communities, schools, business and groups are now able to borrow a free clothing swap shop kit to help tackle the textile crisis.

Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

Carlow County Council will be a climate resilient and low carbon organisation that inspires, leads and facilitates ambitious and just climate action throughout the county.

Climate Action Week

Carlow County Council is organising its first ever Climate Action Week, from the 14th - 20th October 2024.
We hope that the week will initiate conversations and inspire climate action for those who get involved.

Community Environment Action Fund

Local authorities may provide financial support to community groups, schools and environmental non governmental organisations to carry out small environmental projects to promote sustainable development.

Invasive Species Information and Advice

Local authorities may provide information and advice to the public about invasive plant and animal species such as giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam, winter heliotrope, the grey squirrel, the Chinese mitten crab, the ruddy duck and the American mink.

Invasive Species Reporting

You can report sightings of invasive plant and animal species to the local authority. These species include giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam, winter heliotrope, the grey squirrel, the Chinese mitten crab, the ruddy duck and the American mink.


Local authorities manage wetlands to protect these natural habitats.

Dead Animal Removal

Local authorities may remove or arrange the removal of dead animals from public areas.

Pest Control

Local authorities may provide support to deal with rat or mice infestations in public areas that are a threat to public health.

Environment Reports

Local authorities may provide environmental reports and information to government departments and other agencies.

Environmental Noise Monitoring

Local authorities may monitor environmental noise levels and take action to prevent noise that is a nuisance, endangers human health, damages property or the environment.

Strategic Noise Mapping

The Environmental Protection Agency map areas where major noise occurs such as roads, railways, airports, industry and may take action to minimise the impact of this on the environment.

Public Toilets

Local authorities may provide and maintain public toilets and cities, towns, harbours and coastal areas.

Tree Management

Local authorities may plant, prune and fell tree in public parks, open green spaces, along roadsides, on roundabouts and in authorised housing estates to protect and maintain them.