Sewage Sludge in Agriculture Regulations Enforcement

Local authorities regulate the spreading of sewage sludge by farmers and land owners on their lands.

Sewage Sludge used in Agriculture

Sludge from Waste Water Treatment Plants and septic tanks can only be used in Agriculture in accordance with the Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1998 and the Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 2001.

These regulations require that sludge is only used in accordance with a Nutrient Management Plan.

Carlow County Council Environment Section is responsible for the assessment of these Nutrient Management Plans.

If you are a farmer who wishes to use sewage sludge for agricultural purposes, you are advised to engage the services of an Agricultural Consultant with specific experience in the area of Sludge Management.

If you are an Agricultural Consultant who wishes to submit a Nutrient Management Plan for assessment then contact the Environment Section of Carlow County Council concerning their requirements in this regard. Where you have not submitted any previous plans you are advised to arrange a meeting with the Environment Section.

Sludge from Carlow County Council's own treatment plants is used in agriculture on various land banks.

Water Quality and Agriculture

Loss of Phosphorus and Nitrogen from Agricultural Activities has been identified as one of the contributing factor to the pollution of water bodies with these nutrients.

Guidelines for Slurry/Fertiliser Spreading

Check the weather forecast before spreading. Do not apply organic or chemical fertilisers when heavy rain is forecast within the next 48 hours.

When to avoid spreading organic or chemical fertiliser:

  • On wet or waterlogged ground
  • On frozen or snow-covered land
  • On land sloping steeply towards rivers, streams, lakes and exposed bedrock
  • No Chemical Fertiliser should be applied within 3m of any watercourse.
  • Avoid polluting surface waters and wells by leaving a buffer strip between them and the land on which organic fertilisers are applied.

General guidance on the widths that may be appropriate for buffer strips is set out below. It is essential that the recommended strip widths are observed in the case of domestic wells and public water supply sources. The width of the strip required to streams, lakes/drains and lake/main river channels will depend in each case on soil type, slop, and vegetative cover.

Recommended Buffer Strips in Meters

Streams and Drains: 10

Lakes and Main River Channels: 20

Domestic Wells: 50

Public Water Supply Sources: 50-300

Buffer zones from the Code of Good Practice using Biosolids for Farmers:

The following Buffer Strips must be observed when landspreading Biosolids:

Recommended Buffer Strips for Biosolids  (m)

Sensitive Buildings (Hospitals, Schools and Churches: 200

Dwelling Houses: 100

Public Roads: 10

Streams and Drains: 10

Lakes and Main River Channels: 20

Domestic Wells: 50

Public Water Supply Sources: 50-300

Should you have any queries in relation to Sewage Sludge, please contact the Environment Section by phone 059 913 6231 or by email