Household Food Waste Regulations Enforcement

Local authorities regulate domestic food waste disposal to ensure the waste is suitable for composting.

For further information on managing your waste visit

Here you will find everything you need to know on how you can manage your waste responsibly and efficiently.

For more ways to help you recycle please visit, From here you can enter your location and you will be able to see Bring banks, Civic Amenity, Lighbulb Dropoff and WEEE recycling points close to your location.

The Waste Management Bye-Laws came into force in 2018 and can be viewed by clicking the link. (Provide Link to Bye Laws 12.14.1)

Householders are not allowed to dispose of food waste in the residual waste collection service.

If you choose not to register with a Waste Collector, you must dispose of your waste via Civic Amenity Sites / Transfer Station / other Authorised Facility. By going down this route, you must maintain receipts from the sites for a minimum of three years.

If you do not have receipts from your Civic Amenity Site / Transfer Station / other Authorised Facility to prove you are using this facility to dispose of waste, you may be issued with a Warning Letter and/or an on-the-spot fine. 

Householders may compost the food waste at the premises where the food waste is originally produced. Please note only raw fruit and vegetables, tea bags, used coffee beans and egg shells may be placed in a home compost unit. No cooked food, meat, fish or chicken.