
Age Friendly Alliance Support

Local authorities support Age Friendly Alliance boards to develop and put in place age friendly strategies and the Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programmes (AFCCP).

Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme

Local authorities, together with their local Age Friendly Alliance Board, may run programmes to support cities and counties to become more inclusive places for older people by planning for and developing age friendly services.

Age Friendly Initiatives

Local authorities may run initiatives to support accessible and inclusive services for older people in housing, transport, social participation and inclusion, communication and information, community safety and health and wellbeing.

Older People's Council Support

Local authorities may set up and support older people's Local authorities to represent the views of older people, promote inclusion of older people in communities, prevent age related isolation and loneliness, and promote fitness and active ageing.

Age Friendly Strategy Consultation

Local authorities, together with their local Age Friendly Alliance board, prepare strategies for creating communities which support older people and enable them to stay actively engaged in their community. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.

Disability Inclusion Strategy Consultation

Local authorities prepare strategies to provide for the needs of people with disabilities in housing, accessibility, employment, equality, inclusion, health and wellbeing. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.

Healthy Place Strategic Plan Consultation

Local Community Development Committees may prepare plans to develop healthy communities and improve people's health, wellbeing and quality of life. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Local Economic and Community Plan Consultation

Local authorities, together with Local Community Development Committees and other stakeholders, prepare plans to promote and support local economic and community development. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Migrant Integration Strategy Consultation

Local authorities may prepare strategies to support migrants integrate into local communities, raise awareness of their needs and contribute to society. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.

Public Realm Design Consultation

Local authorities may engage with communities to give people a say in the design of public spaces such as streetscapes and public squares. The public may have an input into the design through consultation.

Public Realm Plan Consultation

Local authorities may prepare plans for the development of specific public space projects. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Public Realm Strategy Consultation

Local authorities may prepare strategies to improve streets and public spaces in line with the location, history and character of the place. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.

Amenity Grant Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups, residents associations and Tidy Towns groups to develop sporting, recreational, environmental, heritage and cultural amenities that benefit local communities.

Christmas Lights Grant

Local authorities may provide financial support to community, voluntary and business groups towards the cost of installing Christmas lighting in designated towns and villages.

Community Benefit Fund

Local authorities may provide financial support to community, voluntary and business groups to support community development projects that provide or improve amenity, recreational, environmental, cultural and heritage facilities and promote social inclusion.

Community Enhancement Programme

Local Community Development Committees provide financial support to community and voluntary groups to support small capital projects which improve facilities in disadvantaged areas. These may include the development of community centres and amenities, burial grounds, sports and recreation facilities, men's and women's sheds, and CCTV equipment.

Community Fund Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups to develop projects that improve quality of life and community facilities. These may include infrastructural projects, maintenance of open spaces, environmental improvement projects and the purchase of equipment that benefits local communities.

Community Projects Grant

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups to support cultural, artistic and community development projects that improve the quality of life.

Community Support Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups to support economic, community and cultural development projects such as public area enhancement works, community playgrounds, and arts, culture and heritage projects.

Healthy Ireland Fund

Local Community Development Committees may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups to raise awareness of and improve health issues such as obesity, smoking, alcohol and drug misuse, increase public participation in physical activity and address health inequality.

Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme

Local authorities may support community and voluntary groups and local development companies to get government funding to develop or maintain outdoor recreational facilities in rural areas. These facilities include trails, walkways, cycleways, parks and other greenways and blueways like rivers and seas.

Painting Grant Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to homeowners and owners of commercial properties to carry out improvement works such as external painting, signage and minor repairs to improve the appearance of properties in designated areas.

Play and Recreation Grant Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups that work with children and young people to provide recreational and play activities which promote free play and are non competitive.

Twinning Events Grant

Local authorities may provide financial support to community groups to develop workshops, public meetings, cultural festivals, celebrations and exchanges with their twinned city, town or village abroad.

Career Fairs

Local Community Development Committees, together with other stakeholders, may run careers fairs to provide information and advice on third level education and career opportunities.

Carlow Period Dignity Initiative

The initiative aims to help end period poverty through access to free menstrual products in no cost dispensers in publicly accessible buildings.

Health and Wellbeing Initiatives

Local authorities may run initiatives to promote positive health and wellbeing in communities such as Health and Wellbeing Week, Mental Health Week, walking programmes, park runs, tobacco free spaces, breastfeeding friendly spaces and early childhood play areas.

Healthy Cities and Counties Programme

Local authorities, together with other agencies, may take part in the National Healthy Cities and Counties of Ireland Network through their Local Community Development Committees to promote lifelong health and wellbeing and influence national health policy.

Child Safeguarding in Childcare Training

Mayo County Childcare Committee provides child safeguarding training to childcare workers to protect children and provide an enjoyable and safe environment for them while in care.

CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) Programme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups and local development companies for small infrastructural projects in eligible disadvantaged rural areas. These projects must support schools, community safety measures, the development of play and multi use game areas, and community wellbeing projects.

Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

Local Action Groups may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups and businesses to develop rural tourism, enterprise development, broadband and renewable energy projects to improve rural economies and the quality of life in rural areas.

Comhairle na nÓg Support

Local authorities coordinate youth councils which give young people under the age of 18 the chance to get involved in the development of policy and local services and discuss issues that affect them such as homelessness, mental health, physical health, cyber health and bullying.

Dáil na nÓg Support

Local authorities support Dáil na nÓg, the national parliament for young people, and Comhairle na nÓg, the child and youth council which give young people a say in services, policies and issues which affect them. Comhairle no nÓg members may be elected to Dáil na nÓg to debate and address issues affecting young people such as climate change, mental health, gender identity and the development of facilities for young people.

Public Participation Network Support

Local authorities set up and support networks to encourage registered community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groups to take part in the council's decision-making and policy making processes, and to monitor local authority activities.

Community Development Initiatives

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups, residents associations, Tidy Towns groups and local development associations that take part in certain initiatives. These initiatives include Places in Bloom, Bee friendly in Bloom, anti litter and environmental improvement initiatives, and gardening projects.

Community Gardens

Local authorities may provide community gardens to give people at risk of social exclusion a space to develop new skills, meet new people and improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing through gardening.

Local Community Development Committee Support

Local authorities help Local Community Development Committees to create an integrated approach to community development by coordinating access to funding, developing and delivering projects, and promoting community engagement.

Pride of Place Initiative

Local authorities, together with other agencies, may support community and voluntary groups to showcase initiatives that have created a long lasting impact in their community such as creative wellbeing, place and community tourism projects.

Community Development Reports

Local authorities may provide reports and information on community development to government departments and other agencies.

Disability Access and Equality Initiatives

Local authorities run initiatives to provide accessible services for people with disabilities. These services include accessible parking, disability friendly sports facilities, accessible bring banks and recycling units, and assistive technology.

Disability Access and Equality Support

Local authorities support people with disabilities to access services more easily by providing ramps, sign interpreters, audio loops and information in accessible digital and print formats.

Integration and Inclusion Initiatives

Local authorities may develop and support initiatives to promote integration, social inclusion and equality such as National Day celebrations, Traveller and Roma Pride Week, Community Pride initiatives and Social Inclusion Week.

Interagency Refugee Resettlement Programme

Local authorities, together with other agencies, may facilitate the integration and resettlement of refugees in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) programme. They do this by coordinating services such as medical care, childcare, education, social and community supports, and links to An Garda Síochána (national police) and community safety supports.

Migrant Integration Forum Support

Local authorities may set up and support forums (groups) to work with and give a voice to migrant communities working towards achieving social inclusion, integration and participation in the local authority's decision making process.

Traveller Interagency Group Support

Local authorities, together with other agencies, support interagency groups to coordinate and improve the delivery of services to members of the traveller community.

Traveller Needs Assessment

Local authorities, together with Traveller Interagency Groups, may analyse traveller needs to help plan the development of education and training, health, sports and recreation, and public safety services.

Grass Cutting Programme

Local authorities may cut grass in public parks, open green spaces, along roadsides, on roundabouts and in authorised housing estates.

Memorial Placement Permission

You must apply to the local authority for a permit if you want to erect a memorial plaque, tree or bench to honour a person, group of people or significant event.

Parks and Open Spaces Landscaping

Local authorities landscape and maintain public parks and open spaces by planting trees, shrubs and flowers, cutting grass and controlling weeds to improve the appearance of these public spaces.

Street Decoration

Local authorities may decorate public spaces with floral displays, trees, flags, decorations and lights for public events, festivals and Christmas.

Street Furniture

Local authorities may provide and maintain seats, planters, cycle stands and decorative lighting on public streets and in public parks and playgrounds to improve the area.

Street Nameplates

Local authorities provide and maintain nameplates on public streets and in local authority housing estates.

International Relations and Twinning

Local authorities support communities to develop links with towns abroad to gain a better understanding of nationalities and cultures, develop partnerships with international communities and advance business opportunities for the twinned locations.

Joint Policing Committee Support

Local authorities, together with An Garda Síochána (national police), elected representatives and community and voluntary groups, may set up and support committees to discuss local policing issues. These issues include crime, public disorder and antisocial behaviour and recommend ways to help reduce crime and improve public safety.