Fire and Emergency Management

Fire and Emergency Information and Advice

Local authorities provide information and advice to the public, community and voluntary groups, business owners and schools about fire safety and prevention, fire regulation, building standards, and fire and emergency response.

Fire and Emergency Response

Local authorities respond to fires, road traffic accidents, flooding, chemical and hazardous incidents, and other emergencies to protect human life, property and the environment, and to reduce deaths, injuries and damage.

Fire Service Charge Payment

Local authorities may charge those who benefit from the response of the fire service to domestic and commercial fires, chimney fires, road traffic accidents and false alarm incidents.

Fire Service Water Rescue Response

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, respond to water and flooding incidents to rescue those in danger, distress or at risk due to flooding.

Firefighter Recruitment Information and Advice

Local authorities provide information and advice to those interested in becoming fulltime or retained firefighters including details of the application requirements and recruitment process.