Bridge Maintenance Local authorities carry out maintenance works on bridges such as minor repairs, structural and remedial works.
Damaged Road and Footpath Reporting You can report damaged roads and footpath issues such as broken pavement slabs, potholes and broken kerbs to the local authority.
Drain and Gully Maintenance Local authorities maintain drains and gullies on public roads by clearing debris from flooding.
Drainage on Public Roads Maintenance Local authorities may control surface water on public roads by maintaining or upgrading drainage systems.
Footpath Maintenance Local authorities maintain public footpaths by repairing damaged surfaces, broken kerbs and loose brickwork.
Public Lighting Maintenance Local authorities maintain public lighting on public streets, roads, parks and laneways.
Road Markings Maintenance Local authorities maintain, repaint and replace road markings on public roads such as broken, continuous and double lines, cats' eyes, box junctions and pedestrian crossings.
Road Surface Maintenance Local authorities repair and resurface public roads if the road surface is worn or damaged.
Road Surface Marking Request You can request the local authority to repaint faded road markings or provide new markings such as stop lines, double yellow lines and box junctions.
Roads Winter Maintenance Local authorities operate winter road maintenance programmes such as salting and gritting during severe weather.