Future Planning - County Development Plans

Ballon Local Area Plan

The LAP will promote the proper planning & sustainable development of Ballon for the period up to 2013.

Borris Local Area Plan

The LAP will promote the proper planning & sustainable development of Borris for the six-year period up to 2016.

Clonegal Local Area Plan

The LAP will promote the proper planning & sustainable development of Clonegal for the period up to 2013.

Kildavin Local Area Plan

The LAP will promote the proper planning & sustainable development of Kildavin for the period up to 2013.

Palatine Local Area Plan

The Palatine LAP has been prepared in accordance with a specific objective in the Carlow County Development Plan 2003.

Rathoe Local Area Plan

The proposed Village Plan policies and objectives are consistent with the Carlow Development Plan 2003 and regional and national planning guidelines.

Rathvilly Local Area Plan

The LAP will promote the proper planning & sustainable development of Rathvilly for the six year period up to 2016.

Tinnahinch Local Area Plan

The LAP will promote the proper planning and sustainable development of Tinnahinch for the six-year period up to 2016.

Tinryland Local Area Plan

The Tinryland LAP has been prepared in accordance with a specific objective in the Carlow County Development Plan 2003

Tullow Local Area Plan

This local area plan for Tullow consists of a Written Statement and a land use zoning map. It comprises of 12 Chapters.