Communities around the county now have an opportunity borrow a free clothes swap kit from Carlow County Council thanks to an initiative from Dee Sewell, Environmental Awareness Officer.
"It has been estimated that there are currently enough clothes in circulation to clothe the next six generations. We have a huge problem with global textile waste. Whether we’re swapping regular clothes, sports kits, Halloween outfits or Christmas jumpers, clothes swaps are a fantastic way to extend the life of clothing and divert it from landfills and incineration. They help us in our bid to live in a more circular way, whilst helping us all to support Sustainable Development Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production."
"We are delighted to be able to support communities and groups wishing to host their own clothing swaps around the County by providing this clothing swap kit" said Coilín O’Reilly, CEO of Carlow County Council. “Hosting clothing swaps gives people an opportunity to update their wardrobes without it costing the earth. Swap Shops help to foster a sense of community and show how we can make small changes in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint. We're excited to offer this support to the people of Carlow."
The Carlow County Council clothing swap “Kit” consists of four heavy duty clothing rails, a starter pack of adult clothes and hangers, tokens, a mirror, a guide for running your event, and posters. More details can be found here about organising a clothes swap.
To book the Clothing Swap Shop kit, or for more information, contact environment@carlowcoco.ie of telephone on 059 9136231.