In February 2024 Carlow County Council made an application under Measure 2 of the Town Centre First Suite of Supports 2024 and we are delighted that Muinebheag was one of 26 towns to receive the funding.
The Town Centre First Policy is a major cross-government policy that aims to tackle vacancy, combat dereliction and breathe new life into our town centres. It supports “Our Rural Future”, Ireland’s rural development policy which is integral to our national economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being. It advocates for a holistic, place-based approach to sustainable rural development. Irish towns are facing significant challenges and opportunities that require a coordinated and comprehensive response. Town Centre First (TCF) recognises that every town is unique and the policy facilitates the response by towns of all sizes across the country so that their centres can function as the sustainable and vibrant heart of the communities they serve, in ways that are adaptable and appropriate to 21st century needs.
Town Regeneration Officer with Carlow County Council, Nicola Lawler, welcomes the funding and commented that “Local communities and local businesses are central to reimagining their own towns and planning their own futures. The Town Centre First Policy is focused on supporting Town Teams in taking action to develop and regenerate their town. A core group of key stakeholders in Muinebheag will be brought together, through an open call, to form a Town Team to oversee the implementation of the Plan and to work collaboratively and commit to the development and implementation of the vision of the Muinebheag Town Centre First Plan and its mission and objectives”.