Procurement Policy
Procurement in Carlow County Council is largely a devolved function, where individual departments are responsible for their sourcing requirements, while operating to best procurement practice and compliance with relevant legislative, regulatory and policy requirements.
The corporate procurement plan plan sets out Carlow County Council’s procurement objectives. The plan reflects on EU and national procurement structures, outlines local procurement arrangements, identifies the procurement plan priorities, and provides details of the goals and actions associated with the plan’s objectives.
The procurement unit has a coordinating role in ensuring that there is an organisational focus on good practice in procurement, that there are procedures are in place to achieve value for money, and the governing principles of the EU of transparency, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, equal treatment, and proportionality are observed at all procurement activity. The procurement unit will strive to ensure compliance in our competitions with all relevant public procurement guidelines and legislation.
All staff, or agents of the Authority, who are undertaking procurement activities are required to ensure that their activities are conducted in a manner compliant with EU, National and Local public procurement requirements, the Council’s procurement policy, and corporate procurement plan.
All employees, involved in any procurement activity, are bound to act in accordance with the Local Government Act 2001 and the Code of Conduct for Employees. Staff involved in any aspect of a procurement competition in Carlow County Council are required to sign a declaration regarding Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality/Data Protection.
Advertising Contract Opportunities
In line with best procurement practice, and following the guidance provided in Circular 05/2023: Initiatives to assist SMSs in Public Procurement, Carlow County Council advertises their procurement opportunities as follows:
Threshold (All figures are ex VAT and Aggregation of Value rules apply). | Procedures |
Up to €5,000 - All Services | Seek Verbal Quotes from one or more interested and competent suppliers/service providers. (Best Practice – seek a minimum of 3 written quotes) |
Between €5,000 and €50,000 for Goods & Services & Consultants | Direct Invitation: The Simplified Procedure on should be used for all requirements of Goods, Services and Consultants above €5,000, where no other framework or contract is in place. Seek a minimum of 3 quotes from interested & competent suppliers/service providers. |
Between €5,000 and €200,000 Works | Direct Invitation: The Simplified Procedure on should be used for all Works requirements above €5,000 where no other framework or contract is in place. Seek a minimum of 5 quotes from interested & competent suppliers/service providers. |
Between €50,000 and €215,000 for Goods & Services & Consultants | Open Procedure : Publish Contract Notice on eTenders. |
Between €200,000 and €5,382,000 Works | Open & Restricted Procedure : Publish Contract Notice on eTenders. |
Over €215,000 for Goods & Services & Consultants | Formal advertising inviting tenders on Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) via |
Over €5,382,000 for Works | Formal advertising inviting tenders on Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) via |
Use of Central Available Arrangements
The current operational model of procurement at National Level endorses the greater use of centralised contracts and competitions by all public bodies, where possible.
The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) coordinates these activities with assistance from four key sectors partners: Local Government, Education, Health, and Defence. This procurement model divides the procurement spend into 16 categories of commonly procured goods and services, with ‘One Voice’ to the market.
Areas covered in these categories include Professional Services, Facilities Management & Maintenance, Utilities, ICT & Office Equipment, Marketing Print & Stationery, Travel & HR, Fleet & Plant, and Managed Services. The sector partners categories include Minor Building Works, Plant Hire, Laboratory/Research Diagnostics Services & Equipment, Agriculture & Veterinary Goods & Equipment, Medical Professional Services, Medical Diagnostic Equipment & Supplies, Medical, Surgical & Pharmaceutical Supplies and Defence & Security Requirements.
It is the responsibility of every procurer in Carlow County Council to check what relevant Framework Agreements, Dynamic Purchasing Systems, or Contracts, if any, are available to them when investigating the marketplace and to use these arrangement, when possible.