Room for a Student

The Room for a Student – Local Authority Tenancies Scheme is a government plan that lets people who rent from Carlow County Council rent out a room to college students. They need permission from Carlow County Council first.

Room for a Student

The Room for a Student – Local Authority Tenancies Scheme is a government plan that lets people who rent from Carlow County Council rent out a room to college students. They need permission from Carlow County Council first.

Here is how it works: 

  1. The Carlow County Council tenant tells people about the room they have for rent. (The website has information for both tenants and students about renting a room). 
  2. If the tenant and student agree, they ask Carlow County Council for permission to rent the room for the academic year. 
  3. Carlow County Council might do a Garda (police) check on the student. 
  4. Carlow County Council can say yes or no to the application. Reasons for saying no might include: 
    1. The tenant owes rent with no plan to pay it back. 
    2. The house is too crowded. 
    3. Bad behaviour or other good reasons. 
    4. The house is not suitable (too small, in bad condition, etc.). 

What happens if I am approved?

If the application is approved, the tenant can rent out the room for the school year. 

  • The tenant can charge rent, which will be part of their income under Carlow County Council’s differential rent scheme and may affect the amount the tenant pays to Carlow County Council. 
  • The tenant and student must agree items like utility bills, deposits, and any issues that may arise. Carlow County Council will not get involved in these matters. 
  • The tenant must report any extra income for tax relief, medical card, or social protection benefits. 
  • Carlow County Council can ask the tenant to stop renting the room if there are problems e.g. Anto Social Behaviour or overcrowding. 
  • The tenant is responsible for ensuring they comply with their tenancy agreement and anyone renting a room does not engage if behaviour that may breech the tenancy agreement. If there is a breech, then Carlow County Council may issue a tenancy notification/warning which may affect the tenancy.  

At the end of the academic ear, the student must leave the property. If they want to rent the room again next year, they need to reapply to Carlow County Council for permission .

How do I apply?

To apply see the below application forms: 

Further information:

For more information visit