Business Unit Improvement Support

Local authorities may support businesses to carry out upgrade works to the exterior of their premises. These works include boundary treatment, wall repair, painting, landscaping and other works that improve the appearance of their premises.

Carlow County Council offer supports through various schemes

Retail + Paint Scheme was launched to assist Retailers to improve the front of their premises through painting and shop front improvements including painting, repairs, decluttering, window design, and merchandising in this ‘whole of shop’ approach, with financial supports for each successful applicant.

Financial Aid was 80% of eligible costs financed by Carlow County Council, with the remainder of costs being paid by the applicant.

Upgrade works included painting, repairs, decluttering (removal of old wiring, etc.), new signage, outside lighting, window display design/merchandising.

The minimum upgrade was €1,250 which will resulted in a grant of €1,000, and more substantial upgrades were permissible.

Streetscape Enhancement Initiative provides retailers and property owners with grants that they can use to improve the facades of their buildings, carry out artwork or install features such as street furniture or canopies.  The overall purpose of the Scheme is to give our towns and villages a facelift and make them more attractive places to live, work or visit.  The project is funded under Our Rural Future which is the Government’s five year strategy to revitalise rural Ireland and includes a commitment to upgrade and enhance shopfronts and street facades in our rural towns and villages.