Fee Fi Fo Fum, we smell a panto that’s packed with fun! The team at Striking Productions returns this year to the Kingdom of Barrowvale to meet young Jack, a hapless, harmless, hopeless hero. Jack lives with his mother, Mudder Udder, his nine siblings, and their menagerie of pets. The town is also living in fear of a GIANT, and rumour has it that he eats children!
In a time where the cost of living is soaring higher than beanstalks, the greedy local landlords, the Baron and Baroness Blackstuff have raised rents so much that Jack and his mother are forced to sell their two prize Charolais heifers. The naïve Jack sells the bovine beauties for a handful of beans. However, their luck is about to change when from the magic beans grows a beanstalk, climbing up to the giant’s house. There he finds a singing harp, a goose that lays golden eggs and some local missing children.
Through the traditional story, served with a Carlow twist, audiences will laugh, snigger and sometimes squirm uncomfortably at the local jokes. The show promises to be full of colour, costumes and the usual big production dance numbers.
The moral of this story is a simple one, always make the best of a bad situation, and when opportunity knocks, go for it!
Written and Directed by Robert Ó Néill Musical Director Katie Conlan
Choreography by Katie Conlan, Robert Ó Néill and Tracy Rea