Bike Week is a celebration and promotion of all that’s great about bikes and cycling. From free bike checks to fun cycles, heritage cycles, electric bike races, school cycling events, bike festivals and road races there’s lots to enjoy during Bike Week in Carlow. There is something for every age and ability.
Have you tried a Carlow Town ebike yet?
Have you been unsure about how to download the app or apprehensive about getting up on a bike at all?
Carlow County Council and Bolt Ireland are offering you a once off opportunity to take a spin on a Carlow Town e Bike for free!!
On Friday 17th May, to celebrate National Bike Week, representatives from Bolt Ireland will be in the Exchange, Potatoe Market in Carlow Town from 10am -1pm to meet and greet everyone who want to experience pedalling with power.
They can show you how to download the app on your phone and go through the e Bike basics before you get into the spirit of cycling with ease through the streets of Carlow Town.
No appointment necessary just call in and pedal on.
T: 059 - 913 6247
E: carlowsportspartnership@carlowcoco.ie
W: https://carlowsports.ie/bike-week/