Carlow County Council will host its first ever Climate Action Week from the 14th to 20th October

Carlow Climate Action Logo

Carlow County Council will host its first ever Climate Action Week from the 14th to 20th October. This week is an opportunity to highlight the many positive climate actions already underway in Co. Carlow, while drawing attention to the topic of climate change and offering positive climate action solutions to everybody in the community of Carlow.

For this new annual event, Carlow County Council  Climate Action Team has co-ordinated an exciting programme with a wide range of free events with something to suit everyone. 

The environmental impact of Fast Fashion is high on the agenda this year and the team are asking all of us  to consider how our need for the latest trend is having a detrimental impact on our climate.

Most recent data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that per capita consumption of new textiles in Ireland is 53kg per year, more than twice the European average of 26kg reported by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

During Climate Action week we are invited to view a range of spectacular Junk Kouture gowns made by local students in Carlow Town and County which will be on display for the week in SETU Kilkenny Road Campus. Junk Kouture is a television fashion competition for post-primary school students, where participants design, create and model fashion, made from recycled items and Carlow students have led the way in this competition for many years. 

If you fancy sprucing up your wardrobe for free, Change Clothes, which is  a community-based clothing reuse hub located in Crumlin, will be in Carlow College, St Patricks on Thursday 17th October from 11am until 2pm hosting a community clothing swap shop. Why not come along and learn that looking fashionable doesn’t have to cost the earth. 

Carlow Town Library are hosting a story session for the little ones with the ever-popular Wibbly Wobbly Wendy on the Saturday morning of Climate Action Week while our over 60’s are invited to a dedicated conversation with Founder and CEO of 60+ Climate Drive, Jacinta Barrins. As 1 in 4 of our  population is over 60, Jacinta is undertaking a national campaign to host climate conversations with those over 60 years of age to explore what climate action could look like for them.

Householders can book a 1:1 session with an energy engineer regarding low cost-effective changes which can be made in the home to reduce escalating  energy costs this winter and Businesses can attend a green finance Business breakfast hosted by Carlow Local Enterprise office in the Seven Oaks Hotel. 

Alan O’Reilly – Carlow’s famous weatherman – will host an online conversation about climate change and how it is affecting our weather, where we hope to get a first-hand demonstration of his Smartie weather forecasting technique and the Team at Carlow Central Fire Station are offering us an opportunity to take a close look at their new low carbon fire appliance which has received huge interest across the Country and beyond. 

Our first climate action week in Carlow is a huge step in bringing positive solutions to everyone in Carlow and show them how easy it is to make small changes in our lives to help our planet, says Cllr Fergal Browne, Cathaoirleach of Carlow County Council. A  range of events from Tree Planting to farm walks provides an excellent opportunity to highlight the exceptional and innovative work being carried out across our County, he adds. 

With everything from bike repair workshops to talks on the circular economy Áine Byrne, Community Climate Action Officer anticipates  Climate Action week will encourage people to engage in positive climate conversations. “I hope that from participation at events and engaging in conversations people will start to develop an awareness of what positive action is already taking place in their community, providing encouragement to consider what changes they can take at a personal and community level.”   Says Aine. I am also delighted to announce that each of the groups funded under the Community Climate Action fund in Carlow will host events in their own community and will also be recognised at an event in the County Chamber with Chief Executive and County Councillors on Thursday 17th  October.

For further information on what events are available during Carlows first Climate Action Week click here,  email or call the Environment Department at Carlow County Council on 059-9136231

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