Local Authorities are helping to transition to a circular economy, supporting and implementing measures that significantly reduce Ireland’s circularity gap, raise awareness amongst households, business, schools and individuals about the circular economy and how it can improve their lives, and support and raise awareness about circular living.
It is essential to transition away from traditional ‘take-make-use-dispose’ methods of living to regenerative growth models, where resources are recycled, reused or repurposed, creating more circular models of living. This will reduce pressure on natural resources, helping us achieve climate targets, create sustainable growth and jobs, and support the Sustainable Development Goals.
Carlow County Council may run awareness campaigns amongst households, business, schools and individuals about the circular economy and how it can improve our lives, and as such are encouraged to contact us with proposals by phone on 059 9136231 or by email environment@carlowcoco.ie
Carlow County Council encourages a collaborative response across all sectors through the lifecycle of products and materials.