Service Alerts

Local authorities provide information to service users who subscribe to a free alert service by issuing updates about services such as road works, planning applications, severe weather and flood alerts and community notices through the messaging service.

Carlow County Council is using MapAlerter since 2012 to issue alerts for all parts of the county. By signing up, you can select a mapped location in the county to ensure you only receive alerts that are locally relevant. For example, if you live in Tullow then you will only get road alerts for this part of Carlow and you will not get alerts for any faraway places.

You also have the choice to add a Home and Work location so you can get alerts for both places along with commute alerts for any road issues between both places. For example, if you live in St. Mullins and work in Carlow Town then you will receive alerts for both places along with any road alerts issued along the connecting route (Borris, Bagenalstown, Leighlinbridge, etc.).

Sign up for this free service