CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) Programme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups and local development companies for small infrastructural projects in eligible disadvantaged rural areas. These projects must support schools, community safety measures, the development of play and multi use game areas, and community wellbeing projects.

"Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups and local development companies for small infrastructural projects in eligible disadvantaged rural areas. These projects must support schools, community safety measures, the development of play and multi use game areas, and community wellbeing projects. The CLÁR programme (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) provides funding for small-scale infrastructural projects in rural areas. Reopened in 2016, CLÁR aims to support sustainable development in identified areas by attracting people to live and work there.

The funding works in conjunction with local funding and on the basis of locally identified priorities.

The scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development. It is delivered by local authorities in consultation with groups in local communities."