Reuse of Information
Carlow County Council is subject to: Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information and to the European Communities ( Re-Use of Public Sector Information ) Regulations 2005 ( SI 279 of 2005 ) which transpose the Directive into Irish law and which came into force on 1st July 2005. The regulations are available at the link below.
Material on this site is protected by copyright. The copyright owner is Carlow County Council. You may not make alterations or additions to the material on this site. Material may be downloaded or copied for personal use. Appropriate acknowledgement of the copyright owner is required if material is re-published in any format.
Policy Statement and Details of Charges
Public sector information posted on this website may be downloaded and re-used free of charge without application, subject to the terms and conditions of the latest Public Sector information access and reuse Licence available from the link above and with the following exceptions:
- Photographs and artwork of any kind.
- Brochures, leaflets or other documents whose author is not Carlow County Council. These items should include a logo or information about the author. For example, the Planning leaflet series from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government is included in this website for public information purposes. These leaflets were created by the Department which retains copyright for the material.
- Documents, plans, maps, drawings, sketches, photographs etc. which are posted on the website for the purposes of enabling the material to be inspected at another time or place or to otherwise facilitate public inspection, ( for example plans, maps, drawings submitted in connection with planning applications or as part of an application for a service, grant, licence etc. ).
- Other maps of any kind.
- Any other documents or information in respect of which third parties hold intellectual property rights, including copyright.
Intellectual property rights are likely to be held for material provided by a third party, including links to other websites from this site. Public sector information owned by Carlow County Council and not posted on its website may be applied for by writing to the following nominated officer:
Freedom of Information Officer,
Carlow County Council,
Athy Road,
You must state clearly that the request is for the re-use of public sector information.
Policy Statement on Release of Data
Carlow County Council is not obliged to release any information for re-use. However any information released will be subject to the terms and conditions of the latest Public Sector information access and reuse Licence available from the link above or other terms and condition as Carlow County Council may deem appropriate. The Local Authority will only supply data covered by the Regulations in pre-existing format or language.
As well as data protected by intellectual property rights, the Regulations do not provide for the release of personal data or information protected under the Freedom of Information Acts. The Regulations do not permit the release of information in a manner that is otherwise prohibited by law.
Carlow County Council is not liable for any loss or liability associated with the re-use of information and does not certify that the information is up-to-date or error free. The Local Authority does not authorise any user to have exclusive rights to re-use the information.
Charges for any documents not available on the website will reflect the cost incurred by Carlow County Council in the production, collection, reproduction and dissemination of the information. The minimum charge for any one document whether issued in hardcopy, electronic or other format will be €5. Details of the charges and cost of documents will be given to the applicant before the information is released.
All charges must be paid in full before any documents or information will be released.